Student Accessibility Services

Since every individual is complex in their own unique way, we created this brand identity to celebrate that fact. As one of the top 100 Universities in the world, McMaster University is continually striving to grow, adapt, and reshape the learning experience and how it should look and feel for all students.

The Student Accessibility Services department has always aspired to redefine what that growth looks like for their community in particular. It is our job as a society to constantly re-examine our lives and social structures to ensure that society works for everyone.

Identity Development + Brand Strategy + Design + Animation

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By incorporating various shapes and bold colours in an abstract way, we felt as though this was a great way to represent SAS’s core values by visually representing the fact that we all come in different shapes and sizes.

It was important for us to create a brand that felt institutional (as McMaster is a highly respected University) but still had a fun, upbeat tone. Keeping accessibility in mind with this identity, every colour, font, and application was continually vetted throughout the design process to ensure AODA compliance.

Students, community members, and employees of SAS should feel a sense of pride about the ways in which they are contributing to this important conversation.

Our goal was to create an identity that spoke to this community as a place they could be proud to be a part of while celebrating all the amazing work the University and team members do to improve the educational experience for all students.